Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NalgoThis contains the functions used to interact with the FM index
 CFmIndexA class that contains all the functions for use with an FmIndex
 CIndexPropsA class that contains all the properties for an FmIndex
 NftThis namespace contains all the functions to interact with the search
 CFinderA class that handles the main search functions
 CFTMapA class that contains information for the FlexTyper Instance
 CFTPropA class that contains all the properties for a FlexTyper instance
 CFTSearchA class that handles the flow of a single search
 CKmerClassA class that contains information for a single Kmer
 CKmerGeneratorA class that creates the Kmers for a set of input queries
 CKSearchA class that contains all the properties to directly count kmers
 CQKMapA class that contains the map between queries and kmers
 CQueryClassA class that contains information for one query ID, Type pair
 CQueryExtractorRead and format query file
 CWriterBridgeA class that handles writing the results to file